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Heartbreaking photograph of an unknown kitten begging to be saved in Vietnam

The Fate Of The Kitten Begging To Be Saved In Vietnam
The Fate Of The Kitten Begging To Be Saved In Vietnam

I’ve seen a lot of photos of kitten and cats on the internet whether it be sad, happy, funny or cute photographs.

One of the photos I’ve seen that really got stuck on my head was the photo of a kitten that appears to be in bad condition, asking for help while hugging the man’s boot.

Animal lovers who have seen the photo would ask: “What happened to the kitten”, where is the little creature now”, Did the human save the poor kitty?”

Recently, Christine Liff was able to acquire the answers to these questions regarding the the fate of the unknown kitten begging to be saved in Vietnam.
Christine Liff said:

“I think most of us have seen this picture of the tiny, wet kitten begging to be saved. We have all hoped that the outcome was positive, that either the person taking the picture or the person in the boot had compassion and pity for this poor wee soul. However, after a bit of research I have found out that this was not the case.

These two men left that kitten there to face it’s fate, whatever that may be. I am heartsick and so angry that two grown men were unable to show compassion for such a tiny animal.

Here is the reasoning behind their decision (a litany of rationalization and quite a few insults at Americans).
Graham Lavery:

November 12, 2011 at 10:28 pm


“I have received several emails from users of this site about my photo and its posting on your site. This picture has managed to find its way all over the Internet, in some cases with hundreds of thousands of views, and I realize it is a very provocative shot that touches people deeply.

“Normally I do not respond to these types of comment threads as they are often degenerative in nature and can get very nasty, one only needs to reference any news site to see how these things generally play out. After reading all the comments here however, and receiving several polite emails I have decided to write a comment.

“First of all, I think it is very important to understand context, and while many request the “story” behind this shot generally to learn the final outcome, it is not that simple and context is critical. I have spent a good bit of time in Vietnam as my wife used to work there a few months each year, and have shot the war in Afghanistan several times, as well as disasters such as the quake zone in Port-au-Prince, Haiti very shortly after that event. When discussing any of these places, or subjects, the context is a most important and often overlooked part of the equation – especially by North Americans.

“This shot, as you seem to have ascertained, was taken in Hoi An, Vietnam during the worst flooding in almost half a century. My wife was there for the worst of it – flooding into the second story of buildings – and the loss of homes, personal property, and life, was pretty significant as you can imagine. It should however be remembered that societies like the Vietnamese have been at this for the better part of 5000 years and have seen it all before, a great many times.

“In my travels all over the world there is a common theme that makes itself known and very obvious to me: we in North America are an extremely young culture and society, with a great deal left to learn. How does this help understand this photo and its story? Well it goes to follow that perspectives on many issues differ from ours, priorities are placed in different areas, and that there are very salient reasons for this.

One such area is animals, and how they are viewed.

Sad kitten begging to be saved in Hoi An, Vietnam hugging man's shoe kitten begging to be saved in vietnam The Fate Of The Kitten Begging To Be Saved In Vietnam The Fate Of The Kitten Begging To Be Saved In Vietnam2

“In Vietnam, the phenomenon of “pet” ownership is a very new development, prior to the American War this was a practically unheard of concept in many areas. Dogs, as a prime example, are a food source much like cattle, sheep, or pigs are here. Since the development of the “pet” concept, there has been an explosion in numbers with a great many feral and stray dogs and cats roaming the country in various states of health, which is becoming a large problem in and of itself.

“Given the general cultural attitude toward animals like cats, the massive property damage during the floods, and the great deal of human hardship that was experienced at the time this photo was captured, it can be seen how a kitten such as this one would pass well under the radar and slip pretty far down the priority lists of most people who were literally striving to survive.

“When my very good friend and I came upon this kitten, it was pretty obvious what its fate would be given the described circumstances, a situation that brings with it several ethical questions that have no really simple answer, mainly: “What to do?”

“As essentially tourists in the area who were in Vietnam temporarily (barely two weeks in Charles’s case), the practicalities of helping an animal such as this become a little more cloudy. If you take it in, how do you care for it? Where do you care for it? What do you do when you leave? Does rescuing it jive with the ethics and practices of the local people (it is their country after all)?

“These are tough questions to answer, and I would submit they become exponentially more difficult when you are in combat zones or disaster areas and instead of a kitten the faces staring at you are those of children or women, either in extreme poverty, or wounded… It can rip one’s guts out, I assure you, and there are no easy answers. Given the ability I’m sure I’d have adopted half of Afghanistan by now. Charles is a Paramedic who has traveled the world through his career, so between us we tend to see things similarly in this regard.

The Fate Of The Kitten Begging To Be Saved In Vietnam kitten begging to be saved in vietnam The Fate Of The Kitten Begging To Be Saved In Vietnam The Fate Of The Kitten Begging To Be Saved In Vietnam3

After a brief discussion, it was decided to let nature take its course and leave the kitten to its own devices, whatever the outcome. Some will agree, some will not, but that was our decision based on our collective experiences of this planet over the years. What became of it ultimately? I can’t answer that with certainty, but I can guess.

In the end we are all faced with choices, some more difficult than others. In photography – particularly in war, or in other difficult circumstances – there are some major ethical implications of even taking a photo: Questions of dignity, intent, and moral imperative. If you do take the shot, do you “put it out there?” I have a hard drives full of photos that will never see the light of day because of this, and countless more that I never took at all given the circumstances.

“This photo has been taken off my website and Flickr without my permission and used all over the world now, and I am fine with that as I think it is critical for people to engage with life in whatever form. I see the members of this site have been affected by it in one way or another, and I am happy to see some thoughtful responses to it.

“I hope that helps answer your questions“. -Graham Lavery

starving kitten grabbing soldier's boots kitten begging to be saved in vietnam The Fate Of The Kitten Begging To Be Saved In Vietnam The Fate Of The Kitten Begging To Be Saved In Vietnam
What about you…What would you do if you’re in their shoes?  Tell us your thoughts below…

Christine Liff


Отредактировано Злобный Фей (28 сентября, 2015г. 08:46:34)



Злобный Фей
Много раз видела на разных сайтах первую фотографию. Изрядно подзабыла я английский. Если правильно поняла, котенка сфотографировали и оставили на произвол судьбы. Понятно, что всех не спасти, но все равно жалко.



Шанталь написал(а):

Изрядно подзабыла я английский. Если правильно поняла, котенка сфотографировали и оставили на произвол судьбы. Понятно, что всех не спасти, но все равно жалко.

Да, именно так. После наводнения во Вьетнаме осталось много таких животных. И автор статьи по ссылке так и пишет, что всем просто не помочь. Плюс ещё местные особенности - для вьетнамцев кошки и собаки являются пищей. Поэтому по такому поводу там особо никто не переживает.
В комментариях на него посыпались обвинения в том, что он мог бы хоть что-то сделать. Например, высушить и накормить этого котёнка.



Злобный Фей
Слезы навернулись. Столько боли в глазах у него! Понятно, что всем не помочь, но всё равно жалко малыша.



Lika написал(а):

Слезы навернулись. Столько боли в глазах у него! Понятно, что всем не помочь, но всё равно жалко малыша.

Всем не помочь. Но вот этого хочется схватить на руки, согреть, приласкать. Не осуждаю их. Но они его фоткали,и очень, кстати, проникновенно получилось. Много их после катастрофы сидело на обочине, но этот именно подошёл просить о помощи. Я бы не смогла его оставить. Точно. Спасая животное, ты не изменишь весь мир, но для этого животного мир изменится навсегда.

Отредактировано tatiyanka (28 сентября, 2015г. 23:25:02)



Неожиданный улов на рыбалке!

Now that's a CAT-fish! Incredible moment men rescue two kittens from a river by pulling them on board their boat

Fishermen spot a tiny ginger speck swimming towards their boat
    One of the men gets into position and scoops kitten from the river
    Duo then see another cat and repeat the process to rescue sibling
    Clip concludes with the kittens shaking themselves dry on the boat

A pair of fishermen were shocked to catch a different kind of catfish when they came across two kittens swimming towards their boat.

The footage, which was later posted to the Alabama Adventures YouTube channel, featured the two men sailing through the Warrior River near Bluff Creek while on a fishing trip.

In the video, one of the fishermen, Jason Frost, records himself saying: 'You are not going to believe what is swimming towards our boat, a kitten.'

Jason Frost got himself into position as the kitten swam towards the front of the boat looking to be rescued

He then films the river and a tiny speck of ginger is just about visible paddling through the murky water, hoping to be rescued.

Getting himself into position, the man crouches down at the front of the boat and waits for the little creature to get within range before pulling it out of the river.

At that very moment, his friend, Brandon Key, spots another cat struggling in the water and the duo begin sailing towards it.

Meanwhile, the first cat shakes itself dry and meows in appreciation as it receives a little stroke from its rescuer.
The little creature got itself within distance of being rescued and the fisherman scooped it from the river

The little creature got itself within distance of being rescued and the fisherman scooped it from the river
The kitten responded by meowing its gratitude and shaking itself dry while on board the boat

The kitten responded by meowing its gratitude and shaking itself dry while on board the boat

After swimming a long distance towards the boat, the second kitten is then rescued from the river - the first cat comes over to greet its sibling.

The two men comment on the fact that the creatures are twins before speculating that someone probably attempted to dispose of them in the river.

The video concludes with the two cats safely on board the boat, shaking themselves dry.
After rescuing the first kitten, the two fishermen spotted a second one in the water and repeated the process

After rescuing the first kitten, the two fishermen spotted a second one in the water and repeated the process
The first cat walked over to greet its sibling being pulled from the water by the fisherman

The first cat walked over to greet its sibling being pulled from the water by the fisherman

Since emerging online, the clip has received a number of comments from appreciative YouTube users.

Tami F Berrios wrote: 'You guys ROCK!!! Thank you for saving them!!!! God Bless y'all from Mississippi.'

While user klmoll said: 'Thank you so much for saving these babies, blessings on you!'

(Почти 8200000 просмотров за месяц.)

Отредактировано Злобный Фей (2 октября, 2015г. 01:46:00)




Last night he followed me home, gave him some food and thought that was the end of it. Today I woke up and went outside to find him still there, waiting for me. I think I accidentally just adopted a cat.


Под этим всем есть интересный комментарий насчёт котов и детей.

This is how we got our family cat. He wandered into the house and we (wrongly) encouraged him to stay. We put up 'found cat' posters, the owner contacted us, came to our house to verify that it was his cat. He decided the cat looked much happier with us and gave us some money to get the microchip re-done.

Apparently they'd just had a baby and the cat was a little over-enthusiastic with snuggling up to it, so they kept him in the garage instead of the house. Cat thought 'fuck this', left them and eventually found us. The little guy is still with us, doing well at the grand age of 15 and still getting all the cuddles he could ever want.

Отредактировано Злобный Фей (2 ноября, 2015г. 02:17:15)



Дед Мазай, блин!!! :cool:
КошканЫ классные, кОмменты адекватные, герои умницы респЕкные!!!))))
...Ох, какую ж я фигню написАла... 8-)



Моя сегодняшняя находка))

Отредактировано tatiyanka (22 ноября, 2015г. 00:58:43)



А эта звезда завтра в новую семью поедет)))
